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Why Stonerowe?

  • Our tests are less susceptible to faking and impression management compared to traditional, self-report measures of personality.

  • Our tests have undergone rigorous psychometric evaluations to ensure they are free from cultural biases based on sex and race.

  • Our tests help identify which employees are most likely to engage in undesirable, counterproductive workplace behaviors including:

    • Verbal Aggression​

    • Physical Aggression

    • Disruptive Attrition and Turnover

    • Theft

    • Malevolent Creativity

    • Lying

    • Cheating

    • Interpersonal Conflict in Teams

    • Abusive Supervision

    • Work Unreliability

  • Our tests help identify which employees are most likely to engage in desirable, positive workplace behaviors including:

    • Effort​

    • Persistence

    • Overall Task/Job Performance

    • Cooperation

    • Leadership

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